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Global Banking Glut and Loan Risk Premium
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jloqdAdb `AmfqAi Aka fqp mAoqf` - Saskia Sassen
gross domestic product (GDP) was nearly 350 percent in 2006, a ratio that jumps . deliver profits to wholesale finance, to devastate the savings of modest-income households . Canada. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany. Greece. Hong Kong SAR . 01/c1/table1_6. pdf. -
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Global Financial Stability Report - G-20Y Summit
Sep 1, 2011 . Noise-to-Signal Ratios for Different Credit Indicators. 3.2. Predictive Power . Asset Price Performance since the April 2011 GFSR. 4. 1.5. Sovereign . heavily reliant on wholesale funding and exposed to riskier public debt, . Canada. Euro area. Belgium. France. Germany. Greece. Ireland. Italy. Portugal . -
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Greek bonds | A forward looking analysis of the global economy.
May 7, 2012 . According to IMF's Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) released . and banks need to recapitalize to ensure they can weather potential losses, . Prospects Daily: U.S. wholesale inventory sales ratio drops to record lows . -
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Global Financial Stability - Davis Polk & Wardwell
Apr 1, 2011 . How Well Does the Net Stable Funding Ratio Predict Banks' Liquidity Problems? . Banking System Capital and Reliance on Wholesale Funding . The Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) assesses key risks facing the global financial system with a . bly in Canada, Japan, Portugal, and the United . -
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Sovereign Risks and Financial Spillovers
and capital ratios have improved. . GFSR. Legacy problems and sovereign strains contribute to elevated risks . Reliance on wholesale funding and a wall of . Canada. United States 3/. Netherlands 2/. France. Australia 2/. Italy. Japan 2/ . -
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Key Risks and Challenges for Sustaining Financial Stability - IMF
Apr 1, 2011 . October 2010 GFSR, but remains uneven: heavy debt burdens and high . funding, and remain highly dependent on wholesale funding, with . debt-to- equity ratio of Japanese companies is high. (see Table . u.S. Japan u.K. canada euro areabelgium France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Portugal Spain . -
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IMF sees banks deleveraging by $2.6tn -
Apr 18, 2012 . The GFSR exercise, however, is driven by a range of structural and . that a 1 percentage point increase in a bank's capital ratio during the past . -
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Consumer Finance Protection With Particular Focus On credit
Oct 26, 2011 . First, Canada observed that the use of foreign third-party service providers . example, imposing caps on LTV ratios of 70 percent and debt-servicing-ratios of . retail and wholesale markets, supervising the trading infrastructure that supports . -
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Systemic Liquidity Risk: Improving the Resilience of Financial - IMF
wholesale providers of funds had also changedinstead of interbank markets acting to move unsecured funds where needed . quent GFSR will take up this topic more concretely. The approach must . Australia and Canada were also affected (Moody's, 2007; and . had healthy capital ratios going into the crisis, they are . -
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Jul 8, 2010 . mR 158 - GFSR Mali Rice Study - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), text file (.txt) or read . USAID Central African Franc Canadian International Development Agency . Wholesaler/importers are the actors with the highest financial and . Production (tons) Imports (tons) Self Sufficiency Ratio Source : DNSI . -
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Sovereigns, Banks, and Emerging Markets: Detailed Analysis ... - IMF
GFSR, we project debt and interest payments assum- ing market forward . Canada. 84.7. 35.4. 3.1. 16.1. 17.8. 16.7. 17.8. 10.1. 3.0. 10. Stable. n.a.. Czech Republic. 43.9 . loan-to-deposit ratio is replaced by the wholesale funding ratio . -
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Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) Definition | Investopedia
Definition of 'Global Financial Stability Report - GFSR '. A semiannual report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that assesses the stability of global . -
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Australian Banking System Resilience: What Should Be ... - CiteSeer
inject equity capital but provided a guarantee on wholesale funding and retail deposits. . 1/ TCE ratio = total common equity minus intangible assets / total assets minus . Europe. Canada. United Kingdom. Sources: GFSR, APRA, FDIC, ECB . -
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Guidance to Assess the Systemic Importance of Financial Institutions ...
Oct 28, 2009 . Capital adequacy ratio. CCA. Contingent claims . Canada. Bank of Canada. 5. China. People's Bank of China. 6. China Banking Regulatory . -
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Financing European growth: The challenge for markets, policy - AFME
Aug 1, 2012 . Investment/GDP ratios fell post-crisis, sharply so in a number of cases, and have rebounded little . They are large users of wholesale funding and in many cases, the assets of such banks are . In Canada, Germany, France, and Italy credit grew less rapidly than in other G7 . Source: IMF GFSR April 2012 . -
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Slides - London School of Economics and Political Science
Oct 26, 2011 . Canada. France. U.K.. U.S.. Japan. Source: IMF staffestimates. 1/ Total required adjustment to reduce the gross debt ratio to 60 percent by 2030 (net . Asset Price Performance since April GFSR . Wholesale funding markets . -
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International Regulatory Research Report - Department for Business ...
Mar 11, 2010 . Best Practices From US/Canadian Industry Participants . . them off in full, as evidenced by their low outstandings to cards ratio. (see table below). Credit cards have . wholesale funding markets have reopened. Even so, credit . 2009 report. ( . -
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inject equity capital but provided a guarantee on wholesale funding and retail deposits. . 1/ TCE ratio = total common equity minus intangible assets / total assets minus . Europe. Canada. United Kingdom. Sources: GFSR, APRA, FDIC, ECB . -
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Global Banking Glut and Loan Risk Premium* - Princeton University
banks financed their activities by tapping the wholesale funding market in the . Canada. Ireland. Switzerland. Netherlands. France. Germany. UK. USA. 0. 50 . borrowing bank (end-June 2011) (Source: IMF GFSR September 2011, data from Fitch) . Re-arranging (5), we can derive an expression for the ratio of notional . -
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IMF Sees Banks Deleveraging by $2.6 Trillion - Business News ...
Apr 19, 2012 . The GFSR exercise, however, is driven by a range of structural and . that a 1 percentage point increase in a bank's capital ratio during the past . -
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The Shape of Regulation to Come - International Centre for ...
important foreign global banks whose main function is to raise wholesale dollar . GFSR September 2011 Box 1.4, IMF staff estimates. . United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States, and Euro . service-to-income ratios can be used to dampen credit booms and housing prices. -
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Sep 5, 2011 . While the ratio does not formally take effect until 2015, banks were already . Oura and Mark Stone, Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), October 2010 . that were caused by increased reliance on short-term wholesale funding. . bank, or those of Japan, Switzerland, the US, Canada and Australia. -
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Lloyds Bank to Issue Contingent Capital with Tier 1 Ratio Trigger ...
Oct 30, 2009 . Canadian Preferred Shares Data and Discussion . at various bail-out predictors in Chapter 3 of the April 09 GFSR: . In part, this is because these liquidity ratios may not be able to fully measure wholesale funding risks. -
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by Christian Schmieder, Heiko Hesse, Benjamin Neudorfer ... - Asba
wholesale funding market segments froze, resulting in funding or liquidity . forthcoming Basel III liquidity standards, the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net . 21 Banks' debt maturity profiles are monitored in the GFSR, for example. 22 Moreover, in May 2010, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the . -
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Global Financial Stability Assessment -- Chapter 1: Global ... - IMF
tions have deteriorated since the previous GFSR, leav- ing overall monetary and . United States. Japan. United. Kingdom. Canada. Euro area. Belgium. France. Germany. Greece . 6 Ratio of tangible assets to tangible common equity. 7 Calculated from . wholesale funding and deal with legacy assets. Supporting a . -
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by Byung Kyoon Jang and Niamh Sheridan - SSRN
Jan 1, 2012 . Capital Ratios: Comparison with Canada . . use of short-term offshore wholesale funding by increasing deposits and lengthening the tenor . -
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Economic Uncertainty, Sovereign Risk, and Financial Fragilities - IMF
cial Stability Report (GFSR), as illustrated in our global . ratio. As sovereign risk is repriced higher in both cash bond yield spreads and credit default swaps . -
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Recalls and Alerts: April 28, 2011 « eFoodAlert
Apr 28, 2011 . K&S Wholesale Meats allegedly repacked breaded seafood, . The recalled items were imported into Canada from the USA and may . Mylan SAS, Ranbaxy Pharmacie Generiques, Ratiopharm, Sandoz, Sanofi-Aventis and Teva Santé. . · GFSR Centre · ilfattoalimentare · Le Blog d'Albert . -
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Bilateral Surveillance in Selected IMF Member Countries
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and . GFSR. Global Financial Stability Report. ICM. International Capital Markets Department . Furthermore, the leverage ratios were higher in some European . increased reliance on wholesale funding, deteriorating asset quality, the rapid growth of the . -
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Chapter 6 Euro's crisis: From the sovereigns to the banks and back ...
Since 1991, through 2011, General Government Gross Debt to GDP ratio in the Euro . This wholesale 'dumping' of debt liabilities onto the shoulders of the private . Source: IMF GFSR October 2010, and author own calculations. Note: Figure for Canada's Nonfinancial Corporations is computed on the basis of the ratio of . -
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Making over-the-counter derivatives safer: the role of central - IMF
Ice clear canada (canada). ?. Ice clear europe (u.k.). ?. ? . default swaps could be consistent with a 1:10 compression ratio and a 1/60 margin rate. 3$200 trillion of . end-users, some favor mandating a wholesale move of OTC derivatives to . -
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Special Feature: commodity Market review - NZ Herald
The United States and Canada: Growth Continues, but Slack Remains. 68. Asia: Calibrating a . Differentiating Episodes by the Change in the Debt-to-GDP Ratio . 107. Table 4.1. . consistent with the October 2012 GFSR complete policies scenario. . lowering reliance on wholesale funding and contain- ing incentives for . -
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Oct 31, 2009 . Canadian Preferred Shares Data and Discussion . at various bail-out predictors in Chapter 3 of the April 09 GFSR: . In part, this is because these liquidity ratios may not be able to fully measure wholesale funding risks. -
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Global and regional initiatives to strengthen oversight ... - Norges Bank
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Japan,. Mexico, Russia, Saudi . short-term wholesale funding, setting a minimum ratio of stable funding . org/external/pubs/ft/gfsr/2011/01/index.htm. 16. See IMF (2010c). 17 . -
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IMF Performance in the Run-Up to the - Independent Evaluation ...
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and. United States. G- 20 . GFSR. Global Financial Stability Report. ICM. International Capital Markets Department. IMFC . consumer debt, high leverage ratios in many finanical institutions, and . increased reliance on wholesale funding, deteriorat- ing asset . -
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Apr 30, 2012 . Canadian snowbirds and American landlords have been . The economists tasked with writing the IMF's latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), which . in order to restore their capital ratios, European banks will have to . It combines manufacturing shipments, wholesalers' sales, and retail sales. -
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WEO GFSR April 2011 Seminar by Shogo Ishii, Director, IMF ...
Apr 1, 2011 . Reliance on wholesale funding (percentage of total funding). Ta . CA: Canada, FR: France, DE: Germany, IT: Italy, JP: Japan, ES: Spain, GB: . to the debt ratio to 60 percent in 2030, except for Japan (200 percent in 2030). 1 . -
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Global Financial Stability Report: Responding to the Financial ... - IMF
1.7 Bank Wholesale Financing and Public Funding Support. 44. 1.8 Public Debt . 1.3 Ratio of Debt to GDP Among Selected Advanced Economies. 5. 1.4 Bank . -
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Five Surprises of the Great Recession - Carnegie Endowment for ...
Nov 1, 2010 . Change. Sources: BEA, Eurostat, ESRI, Statistics Canada. FiGURE 1 . more dependent on less reliable wholesale funding than on . than European banks ( IMF, April GFSR). . and targeting of benefit programs, and ratio- . -
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Kenya Financial Sector Stability Report 2010 - Capital Markets ...
GFSR. Global Financial Stability Report. GGD. Government Gross Debt. GND. Government . as well as highly leveraged balance sheets reliant on wholesale funding. . Chart 5: Banking System Tier 1 Capital Ratios (in percent). European . Canada. Euro. Area. Germany Greece. Italy. Ireland Spain Portugal. GGD 100 . -
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Canada. Ireland. Switzerland. Netherlands. France. Germany. UK. Figure 8. Claims outstanding . bank (end-June 2011) (Source: IMF GFSR September 2011) . -
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September - Tomorrow's Economy Today :
Sep 1, 2009 . Nonetheless the GFSR stressed the need for banks to further repair damaged . from 0.98 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-value ratio loans. . in 70 years, there is little in the way of inflation at the wholesale level. . Late last week, the Bank of Canada held the target for its overnight rate . -
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stabilizing the global financial system and mitigating spillover ... - IMF
wholesale funding, weaker balance of payments positions, and higher . October 2008 GFSR . Ratio of Debt to GDP Among Select Advanced Economies . -
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External Study - IMF and Global Financial Stability
Jul 25, 2011 . Canada, former Deputy Managing Director Monetary Authority of Singapore, former . GFSR is an extremely good document, with good detail and thoroughness. . shift towards wholesale funding in banks and a build-up of . negative effect on interest rate coverage ratios and increase the average share . -
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Global Financial Stability Report - Chapter 2 - IMF
Mar 18, 2002 . profitability of wholesale versus retail banking. So far, the . P/E ratios and implied volatilities suggest . Second, P/E ratios imply a downward shift in . 759.1. 504.4. 813.8. 1,024.2. 895.5. Canada. Direct investment. 2.9. 4.8 . -
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Restoring Confidence and Containing Global Spillovers - IMF
Canada. 88. 36. 3.2. 91. 154. 54. 44. 59. 3.3. 15. 103. 12. 18. Japan. 237. 135. 9.0. 76. 241 . wholesale funding6. Return on assets. (percent). Price- to-book ratio. Euro area . than in the base case scenario of the April GFSR. Foreign . -
example, removal of guarantees on banks' wholesale funding in . lower loan-to- value ratios, higher mortgage rates for . 6See also the April 2010 GFSR. . the Canadian economy is less hampered by the same factors and is set to recover .
Transcript of a Press Conference on the Analytic Chapters of the - IMF
Sep 13, 2011 . IMF Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) . The private pension plans of Canada, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, . A threshold where the annual change in the credit-to-GDP ratio is about five percentage points . borrowing by the financial sector, overdependence of banks on wholesale funding, . -
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Why Are Canadian Banks More Resilient? by Lev Ratnovski and - IMF
Jul 1, 2009 . predictive power of the depository funding ratio is confirmed in a . Canadian banks in foreign and wholesale activities, valuable franchises, and a . Compared to the GFSR, our results highlight novel effects associated with . -
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Equity Returns in the Banking Sector in the Wake of the Great - IMF
Director Offices of Canada, France, and Germany. . bank capital matters: the equity to asset ratio has a positive effect on equity returns but . We also find that the equity returns of banks less reliant on wholesale funding, as . Spread Euro Area Sovereigns to the European Union Banking Sector, September 2011 GFSR . -
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Informe estabilidad financiera FMI abril 2010
Apr 20, 2010 . April 2009 GFSR October 2009 GFSR April 2010 GFSR . R² = 0.43 bank wholesale funding costs generally rise Switzerland 0 Denmark in . Capital ratios of aggregate banking systems have improved . 154 percent in France, 138 percent in Canada, 128 percent in Germany, and 121 percent in Italy.