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Wideband Slot Antenna for WLAN Access Points - Peer Evaluation
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ESD Protection Solutions - Consumer and wireless ... - Infineon
Connectors and antennas exposed to the outside world are . Safe and stable clamping voltages to protect even the most sensitive electronic equipment. . optimized flow-through array designs for easy lines routing. . +14 V ( unidirectional) . -
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How to Build a High Speed Internet Super Antenna |
A high-speed "super" antenna can be built from everyday household items that will direct the . How to Build a Wi-Fi Wireless G Antenna; How to Check the Antenna Alignment for Wild Blue . Long range WIFI · Uni-Directional WIFI Range Extender . How to Build a Homebrew Dipole Array Antenna for a WLAN 2450 MHz . -
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Frontiers in Antennas - McGraw-Hill
Wireless Communications with MATLAB (McGraw-Hill,. 2005), and a chapter on . 1.1.2 Dense Wideband Antenna Arrays . . 1.2 Foundations of Multiband and UWB Array Design . . . . . . . . . . 7 . 9.2.2 Radiation from 1D Unidirectional Leaky -Waves . . Marinos N. Vouvakis University of Massachusetts Amherst (Chapter 3 ) . -
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Loop Antennas Glenn S. Smith - McGraw-Hill
as m?r, ?r, ?c, N, etc., offer a great deal of flexibility in its design. . The pattern of the resonant loop is made unidirectional and the directivity in . Loop antennas , like linear antennas, can be combined in an array to improve . R. G. Medhurst, H.F. Resistance and Self-Capacitance of Single-Layer Solenoids, Wireless . -
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It delivers MIMO benefits to 802.11a/b/g/n devices, to further increase MIMO . BeamFlex consists of a smart, compact antenna array with multiple elements, . -
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A New Wideband Unidirectional Antenna Element -
development of the third generation (3G), WiFi,. WiMax . unidirectional antennas that can accommodate . practical design was proposed by Clavin again . A. Petosa, A. Ittipiboon and N. Gagnon, . An improved element for use in array . -
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Hack90.Build a Slotted Waveguide Antenna - Free Book Online
Make a high-gain, horizontally polarized omni or unidirectional antenna that . for any 802.11b/g wireless LAN, but they have been carefully designed and must be . The slots are in a linear array pattern, and the total of all the radiated signals . When soldered to the N connector, it should protrude exactly into the center of . -
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in radar system design with a digital antenna array is to handle the huge data rate. . antenna with an unidirectional receive/transmit characteristic to complex 3D antenna arrays. . A common antenna for wireless communication is a vertical . 1 a linear equally spaced antenna array is shown, which consists of N individual . -
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Antenna Array Designs with Advanced Beam Steering ... - URSI
development of future wireless systems with applications in communications, radar, and satellite . In this paper we describe two antenna array designs that focus on . Additionally, it is desirable that the antenna systems provide uni- directional radiation. For . [5] N. Celik, W. Kim, M. Demirkol, M. Iskander, and R. Emrick, . -
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A New Class of Antenna Arrays with Passive Elements
construction of a new antenna class Broadside Antenna Arrays . have shown that it is possible to construct the BAAPE and that . for applications in wireless communications, which primarily . antenna with unidirectional broadside radiation pattern with a reflector . appropriate in designing of planar high gain and high . -
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Antenna Arrays Antennas with a given radiation pattern may be ...
Antenna array - a configuration of multiple antennas (elements) arranged to achieve . There are several array design variables which can be changed to achieve the overall array . (Array factor for a uniformly-spaced N-element linear array) . -
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Antenna Arrays Technologies for Advanced Wireless Systems
design of modern phased array antennas, there continue to be significant and growing . Raytheon Systems Company in 1991 [1] and more recently our group . which offers the following advantages: (1) a uni-directional broadside radiation . -
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High Performance Phased Array Antennas Based on the ...
and Uaxial feed approaches into a compact planar design with a unidirectional . silic;n dioxide layer contributed significantly to enhancing the device peformance . Th; integrated coplanar waveguide phased antenna array design with bean . Stub (CPW-CTS) Antenna for Wireless Communications," IEEE Antennas and . -
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Antennas for Base Stations in Wireless Communications ...
Design unidirectional antennas, including directed dipole, wideband patch, and complementary antennas. Optimize antenna designs for WLAN (WiFi) . -
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Antenna Design For Wireless Products - Electrical Engineering
Antennas Have Always Been the Part That Makes a Wireless Device . Antennas are Slowly Becoming More and More Integral, as More and More Devices are . Uni-directional; Projects a Cone Upward From the Surface of the Patch . MIMO uses antenna arrays at both transmitter and receivermultipath propagation can . -
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IEEE Xplore - Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on
N. Nguyen is with the Institut dElectronique et de Télécommunications de . Electromagnetic Analysis of Large Scale Periodic Arrays Using A Two-Level . Then, a design for polarization reconfigurable antennas is developed from . In- phase versus Out-phase Distributed Antenna Systems for Wireless Handheld Devices . -
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analytically and experimentally using unidirectional CFRP laminates. . composite antenna design. Conformal antenna arrays that are integrated into the . antenna element and that its resonance frequency is increased by the damage. -
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Antenna Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition - Access ...
Waveguide Slot Antenna Arrays; 10. . Ultrawide Bandwidth Antenna Design; 20. Phased . Broadband Planar Antennas for High-Speed Wireless Communications; 38. . Fundamentals of Antennas, Arrays, and Mobile Communications . BASIC LENS OPERATION · LENS-SURFACE FORMULAS FOR n > 1 · FACTORS . -
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A cavity-backed coplanar waveguide slot antenna array
In this thesis, a cavity-backed slot antenna array is designed for relatively wide . Among the current driving forces in wireless communications, there is a need for . placed within a metallic cavity to attain uni-directional radiation and further improve . n be formed by feeding multiple structures systematically; attention will . -
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On 60 GHz Wireless Link Performance in Indoor ... - PAM 2012
The multi-Gbps throughput potential of 60 GHz wireless interfaces make them an attractive . affected by node (or more precisely, antenna array) orientation, simply using a . These devices are traditionally designed to support uncompressed HD . As a first case-study with Presto, we measure uni- directional (simplex), 60 . -
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A Broad Open Slot Antenna with Uni-Directional Radiation Patterns
SLOT ANTENNA AFTER THE OPTIMIZED DESIGN PROCEDURE. A Broad . wireless communications systems, such as DCS, PCS, IM-2000,. WLAN, and . reduced and that is, the antenna size is miniaturized. We embed . The array of . -
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Standard wireless Access points; Wireless N PoE Access Points; Concurrent . is also known as a Yagi-Uda array or simply a Yagi, and is a unidirectional antenna . . Due to its structural design, it works fantastically in highly windy locations. -
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RF Directional Modulation Technique Using a Switched Antenna ...
. that a switching scheme of the switched antenna array is designed according to a . for wireless communication comparison with traditional spread-spectrum signal. . Lim, S.-H., J.-H. Han, S.-Y. Kim, and N.-H. Myung, "Azimuth beam pattern . of arrival estimation in time modulated linear arrays with unidirectional phase . -
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1. INTRODUCTION. In traditional wireless communication transmitter, data information . design a switched antenna array to simulate linear motion of the transmit antenna . symbol; cn ? {+1,?1} denotes the data information; n = 1,2,..., N denotes the nth . modulated linear arrays with unidirectional phase center motion, . -
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UWB antennas: design and modeling 16 - InTech
The antenna is an essential part of any wireless system as it is the component providing transition . wireless applications require the processing of more and more data in different forms, higher data . Even if the arrays were initially designed for high power purposes . Their radiation pattern is unidirectional in the plane of . -
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Yagi-Uda antenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Yagi-Uda array, commonly known simply as a Yagi antenna, is a directional . That design along with other phased arrays have electrical connections on each . elements of unequal length can lead to a unidirectional radiation pattern. . Since with an N element Yagi-Uda antenna, there are 2N-1 parameters to adjust . -
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Types of FM Radio Antennas |
The advent of FM radio as a viable media outlet, starting in the late 1960s, brought about new technologies and designs for FM antennas. There are basic . -
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The Fundamentals of Patch Antenna Design and Performance
patch antenna design, the basic configuration is shown in . The array gain, dipole-like directivity and uni-directional characteristic are . with higher capacity and more reliable satellite links. . loss, making patch arrays useful for wireless com- . -
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IEEE Xplore - Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters publication information. Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Volume: 7. Digital Object Identifier: . -
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Channel Characterisation for Advanced Wireless ... -
Nov 15, 2011 . Integrated Antennas And Antenna Arrays For Millimetre-Wave High Data-Rate Communications. . Antenna Design through Variable-Fidelity Simulation-Driven Optimization. . P. Borah, A. Bordoloi, S. Bhattacharyya, N. Bhattacharyya . Broadband Unidirectional Dipole Antennas for Wireless Applications . -
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Radio Antennas - How To Information |
DIY: How to Modify a 900MHz Wireless Headphone Antenna . with corresponding frequencies allowed, and that may restrict the equipment you can use. . that it is possible to make your own uni-directional antenna if you don't have the money or . alternative to building a new tower as a site for cellular antenna arrays. -
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unidirectional antennas, and this paper demonstrates a technique for transforming . has gained more and more popularity and become an important . design antennas and circuits and has a good performance [2428]. . Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. . of a novel UWB Vivaldi antenna array using SIW technology, . -
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Phased Array and Adaptive Antenna Transceivers in Wireless ...
Kerem Kucuk , Adnan Kavak, Scalable location estimation using smart antennas in wireless sensor networks, Ad Hoc Networks, v.8 n.8, p.889-903, November, . -
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been designed to provide localization information for applications such as the tracking of . (4G) and the wireless LAN 802.11n. MIMO exploits antenna arrays. [3546] that are . in multipath environment, the cost of using antenna array at the mobile device in . Assume that the unidirectional measurement data dn,m, ?n, m . -
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G. R. DeJean, Compact Broadband and Multiband Antenna Designs for . S. Pinel, V. Palazzari, R. L. Li, G. DeJean, N. Papageorgiou, D. Thompson, . flexible antenna arrays, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Volume: 4, pp. . J. Laskar, V. F. Fusco, R. Cahill, Unidirectional printed loop antenna, Proc. -
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3D optical YagiUda nanoantenna array
Apr 5, 2011 . Designs including nanorods6,7, bow-tie antennas8, patch antennas9 or planar . Measuring experimentally the optical spectra of the antenna array reveals the . Unidirectional emission of a quantum dot coupled to a nanoantenna. . [PubMed] ; Alù A. & Engheta N. Wireless at the nanoscale: optical . -
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Journal of Computing::Adaptive Antenna Array Approach in the ...
Adaptive Antenna Array Approach in the Processing Of Weakest GPS Signals. 1 R Ranjana, 2 P S . unidirectional shape [1]. 2. . important role in the design and simulation of the antennas. The substrate choice . [4] N. Padros, J.I. Ortigosa, J. Baker, M.F. Islander, B. Thornberg . antennas, and wireless communications. -
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. technique for constrained sparse array design problems, IEEE Transactions on Antennas . International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Available as . D. Tran, N. Haider, P. Aubry, A. Szilagyi, I.E. Lager, A. Yarovoy and L.P. . Design and experimental verification of a uni-directional antenna for radar . -
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switched antenna array is designed according to a spreading sequence for the purpose of . technique offers a more secure transmission method for wireless communication . and n = 1,2,...,N denotes the nth BPSK modulation symbol. Considering that . modulated linear arrays with unidirectional phase center motion, . -
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Journal papers - COST - ic0603 : Antenna Systems & Sensors for ...
Previous Antenna COST Actions? . O.N. Alrabadi, J. Perruisseau-Carrier, A. Kalis, MIMO transmission using a single RF Source: theory and antenna design, . surface antenna with dynamic beamwidth control, IEEE Antennas Wireless . phased-array antennas by means of interleaved sub-arrays, Radio Science, vol. -
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RF Directional Modulation Technique Using a Switched Antenna ...
Hong, T., M.-Z. Song, and X.-Y. Sun, "Design of a sparse antenna array for . synthesize a shaped radiation pattern for optimum coverage in wireless communications," . Lim, S.-H., J.-H. Han, S.-Y. Kim, and N.-H. Myung, "Azimuth beam pattern . of arrival estimation in time modulated linear arrays with unidirectional phase . -
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17 Wideband Antennas for Modern Radar Systems - InTech
configuration, the linear array of N elements, as shown in Figure 2. . There are many design considerations for the phased array antenna including mutual . and not interfere the frequency bands used by other wireless systems. . using a ground plane, behind the antenna, the antenna will have a unidirectional pattern. -
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A Novel Indoor UWB Antenna Array Design by GA
A Novel Indoor UWB Antenna Array Design by GA, 2009 Article. Bibliometrics Data Bibliometrics. · Downloads (6 Weeks): 0 · Downloads (12 Months): 0 · Citation . -
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Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna : Computer Aided Design ...
an antenna in an advanced wireless system is usually required to . Due to unidirectional radiation pattern cost . An array antenna is a special arrangement of basic antenna . isotropic radiations that for n isotropic radiator, the radiated lower . -
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Design and simulation of MEMS-based broadband unidirectional ...
Tags: algorithms data communications devices design design studies finite . cut- off slots and a guiding slot, the antenna achieves unidirectional radiation, and . Also, the development of a wireless microrobot that can be manipulated . of hydrocephalus: design and fabrication of an array of microvalves and microneedles . -
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60-GHz Wideband Substrate-Integrated-Waveguide Slot Array ...
Furthermore, this antenna produces a unidirectional radiation pattern by using . In the design, the structural parameters of the slot array are selected to meet the . with a planar sector antenna of a multigigabit wireless LAN in the 60-GHz band . . wavelengths and that the slot length increases from the shorted waveguide . -
development of a wide range of wireless technologies, including for example 3G video . In particular, antennas with unidirectional radiation patterns of various beam widths are . array, it has been designed and optimized using a 3-D electromagnetic . 1998. 2. Ni, W., N. Nakajima, and S. Zhang, A broadband compact . 60 GHz Wireless Link Performance in Indoor Environments
The multi-Gbps throughput potential of 60 GHz wireless interfaces make them . affected by node (or more precisely, antenna array) orientation, simply using a . These devices are traditionally designed to support uncompressed HD video . As a first case-study with Presto, we measure uni-directional (simplex), 60 . -
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A Compact Linear Tapered Slot Antenna with Integrated Balun for ...
Due to the linear tapered slot, the antenna can realize unidirectional . dipole antenna with enhance usable bandwidth for wideband phased array . antenna for super wideband applications," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. . Wang, , C.- J. , T.-L. Sun, and , "Design of a microstrip monopole slot antenna with unidirectional . -
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Wideband Printed Dipole Antenna for Multiple Wireless Services
This invited paper presents numerical and experimental results for a design offering bandwidth . show that the proposed antenna has wide band- width, which can . cost and easy machining. The simulated . A unidirectional beam pattern is created by placing a . The array factor from Equation (4-116) of refer- ence [10] .[AMW0209]_Wideband_Printed_Dipole_Antenna_for_Multiple_Wireless_Services.pdf -
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Wireless Video Area Network (WVAN) - Hot Chips
Benefits of Uncompressed High Definition Wireless A/V. ? WirelessHD . Wireless Video Area Network Design. ? SiBEAM's . 60 GHz makes cost-effective multi- gigabit data rates possible! UWB. 802.11n. WirelessHD . SiBEAM has developed micro array antenna design . 20 - 40 Mb/s in beam-formed uni- directional mode .
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